Threat news

This post is part of Petri Hirvonen`s course: Security. Mission Explore news regarding to security. Find one headline to each category listed below (not older than six months). Scams, social hacking Physical attacks Network, the use of threats (phishing) Denial-of-service attack Social hacking Hackers were able to catch millions of snapchat accounts. The anonymous hackers […]

Linux as server #7 – Apache benchmark, performance boost with Varnish (proxy) and yslow analysis

This post is part of Tero Karvinen’s course: Linux as server. Even it is related to school mission it will offer usefull information about GNU/Linux! Before final test of the course Mr. Karvinen introduced solutions to improve server performance with proxy. My last mission was: Do apache`s pressure test with static and dynamic WordPress pages Install […]